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Gallery Card

Everything you need to know about customising Gallery Cards

Kevin McGrath avatar
Written by Kevin McGrath
Updated over a week ago

The Gallery Card is useful when you want to add a collection of images to a page.

Gallery Card Menu

The blue Gallery Card menu appears when you click on a Text Card within the page. These are the available options in the Gallery Card menu:

You can change the order of images in the gallery by clicking this icon and dragging up or down:

You can delete images in the gallery by clicking the trash can icon:

Add Image
Add new images to the gallery with this button.

Images Per Line
When your gallery contains more that one image you can control how many images appear on a single row.

In this example there are 4 images in the gallery, with 2 images per line:

In this example there are 4 images in the gallery, with 4 images per line:

Space Between Images
By default there will be a small gap between each of the images in the gallery. To remove this gap choose the 'off' option.

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